It’s 2.00am, the bar is closed, the atmosphere is hazy and you are down to your last cigarette. You are weary and sad and on your own…. c’est le cafard…
Find more Esquisses as mp3 downloads from her site!
It’s 2.00am, the bar is closed, the atmosphere is hazy and you are down to your last cigarette. You are weary and sad and on your own…. c’est le cafard…
Find more Esquisses as mp3 downloads from her site!
Johannes Moller plays his composition “From her source to the Sea” about the river Ganges dedicated to Avik Saha at the 22nd Iserlohn Guitar Symposium – 2013
It was an exciting occasion – the world premier of the first two movements of my concerto “China Sings” – Kuang Junhong played with great delicacy and fiery virtuosity, and the orchestra was superb. Watch this space for all three movements with symphony orchestra.
A couple of videos – the first is the rehearsal of my piece for Organ and Guitar Quartet played by Tobias Aehlig, the Amadeus Duo and the Gruber Maklar Duo. This is in the Oberstdat Church in Iserlohn – sorry the video content is boring, but it is more or less what the audience was looking at! Las Meninas Bailan refers to the famous painting by Velasquez and is a depiction of what happens below stairs! The main theme is a Spanish Christmas Carol, “Riu, riu, chiu” from the Cancionero de Uppsala manuscript.
Some more pictures from Iserlohn 2013
Compare and contrast this guitarists’ favourite piece! Continue reading
While I was looking for David’s video of “My Gentle Harp”, I came across his site and David Russell’s Tips for Guitarists which been around for a while, but it took me ages to discover them – they are very simple and wise, and cover a surprising amount of ground with good humour and grounded common sense. I hope you will find these tips from an experienced musician who is also a great artist and human being helpful. Continue reading
Link to David Russell playing Celtic melody
“Estamos en duelo por el trágico accidente de tren en Santiago, la ciudad donde María Jesús y yo nos conocimos y que está tan cerca de nuestro corazón. Nuestro sentido homenaje a las víctimas y nuestro apoyo moral a las familias y a los supervivientes.”
“We are in mourning for the tragic train accident in our beloved Santiago (Spain), the city where María Jesús and I met. A Celtic melody in memory of the victims and our moral support to their families and the survivors.”
“My Gentle Harp” arranged by Gerald Garcia
Get the music here