The Midst of Life’ A Hearty Celebration of the Life and Music of STEPHEN DODGSON (1924-2013)

The Midst of Life: Celebrating the Life and Music of Stephen Dodgson

MAE Foundation

Thursday, October 3, 2013 from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM (BST)

London, United Kingdom


The Tippett String QuartetMAE Foundation
John Williams (guitar)
Maggie Cole (harpsichord)
Richard Harvey (recorder)
Anna Noakes (flute)
Gillian Tingay (harp)
Zone 6 Brass Quintet
Roger Chase (viola)
Benedict Cruft (violin)
Brian Gulland (bassoon)
Tom Ellis (guitar)
and more… subject to availability

The Tippett String Quartet, who have recorded all nine of Stephen Dodgson’s quartets, and John Williams, who has played his music for 57 years, lead this wide-ranging celebration of his life and work.

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